This is the blogger template hack everyone has to install on their blogs.Every time I'll change my blogspot template I always make sure I'll be able to add this widget on my blog.This so called "Automatic Expandable Post Summary with Read More and Thumbnails" is one of the greatest blogger hacks ever existed on the web.We usually see these thing on Wordpress blogs,you know the excerpt thingy on their homepages, but with the intelligence of some of our blogspot buddies we are able to enjoy the greatness of the platform Blogger through the use of this blogger template hack called "Auto post summary widget on blogger".
It is so essential because it enables your readers to choose from one of your post without minding it's category.As long as it's intriguing they will read it.What makes it intriguing is the thumbnails where you're first image will be place.And the summary, of course.While reading it, they will click the read more link because it hanged them.And you egged them for by adding this template hack!!
This Auto Post Summary on Blogger thingie was developed by bloggerSphera.Before going to her site,I'd like to ask you if you can understand Portuguese?If not then don't leave but I'm not forcing.Then, it was later simplified and explained by Aneesh of and just recently I've found the latest version of it by bloganol.
Like them, I'll try to explain to you how to use this hack:
I'm using the version 2 which is from Bloganol so please bear with me. . .
First find this code
Now replace it with the code. . .
Next step is to find the code
And finally replace it with
And you are done.. Save your template and now you should have the post summaries on your homepage!!
It is so essential because it enables your readers to choose from one of your post without minding it's category.As long as it's intriguing they will read it.What makes it intriguing is the thumbnails where you're first image will be place.And the summary, of course.While reading it, they will click the read more link because it hanged them.And you egged them for by adding this template hack!!
This Auto Post Summary on Blogger thingie was developed by bloggerSphera.Before going to her site,I'd like to ask you if you can understand Portuguese?If not then don't leave but I'm not forcing.Then, it was later simplified and explained by Aneesh of and just recently I've found the latest version of it by bloganol.
Like them, I'll try to explain to you how to use this hack:
I'm using the version 2 which is from Bloganol so please bear with me. . .
First find this code
Now replace it with the code. . .
<script type='text/javascript'>
summary_noimg = 450;
summary_img =350;
img_thumb_height = 100;
img_thumb_width = 100;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
Next step is to find the code
And finally replace it with
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:right'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read more>></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><data:post.body/></b:if>
And you are done.. Save your template and now you should have the post summaries on your homepage!!